Saturday, January 24, 2009

Lillian's World

I chose the title, Lillian's World, for this post because that pretty much sums up the situation at the Carter household these days! Not that we mind at all, but this little girl is definitely the boss and we are just trying learn what makes her happy. Lillian will be 3 weeks old on Monday and she has not quite gotten her days and nights sorted out yet. Currently, she likes to sleep all day long and then wants no part of sleeping at night. I think you can figure out why this is a problem for Brad and I (poor Emily is suffering from sleep deprivation as well)! A few other facts about our little peanut is that she is a really good eater and is most happy when she is being fed. Also, she is already very independent and doesn't like to be held for too long at once. I can't for the life of me figure out where those traits come from - HA!

Still not quite sure about bath time...

She does like her hooded towels after the bath..
Just lounging around...

Spending time with big sister, Emily...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Our Baby Girl!

So, I am a little delayed with this post, but we had our little girl! Lillian Elise Carter was born January 5th at 5:50 pm weighing 7 lbs and 11 ozs and 19 3/4 inches long. We had a few setbacks along the way and she ended up coming into the world by C section and we had to spend 5 nights in the hospital. Brad and I now believe that may have been a blessing because we had the most wonderful care at St. Vincents Hospital and used the extra time to ask a million questions and maximize all the resources of their incredible staff. I really believe it made me more prepared to take our little girl home.
I know that every new mom says this but now I get it... you can never imagine just how much you can love until you have a child! Brad and I are reminded just how amazing God is every time we look at our little miracle! My goal is to keep updated pictures coming in a timely manner, but it turns out babies need a lot of attention so I can't make any promises. :)

One of Lillian's first hospital pictures... First picture of our new family...
Finally going home... She slept the whole way home and through her first pictures...
Even the excitement of seeing her room for the first time didn't wake her...
So we just gave up and let her get comfy in her crib...