Friday, December 11, 2009

Meeting Santa!

Brad and I took Lillian this week for her first visit with Santa! With Lillian's apprehension of men with facial hair (my sweet daddy scares her every time!), we really were anticipating a full-throttle meltdown! What we got was something I have never seen before - Lillian so overwhelmed she was emotionLESS. I think the picture describes it pretty well! :)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Photo Shoot

I now have a serious appreciation for child photographers! Brad and I spent hours - MANY HOURS - today trying to get a picture of sweet Lillian for our Christmas cards. Maybe this was the fundamental flaw in the plan, but I seriously went in thinking... got cute kid, got Holiday props, we should knock this out with a few shots. Does 164 attempts sound like I had any idea what I was getting into? I acknowledge that I am a bit of a perfectionist, but truly there were only about 5 pictures out of all we took that were decent. Brad and I both can sum up the experience in one word - Exhausting!
Two humorous thoughts to close with... 1. Brad said today that next year, he doesn't care if we have to go to the Wal Mart photo studio, we're not doing it ourselves and 2. Initially Brad mentioned getting Emily and Lillian together in the Christmas card picture. Those of you who've spent any time around Emily (aka - the Badger) know why this is funny!
Here's a few of our favorites from today.

No question, she'll know what to do with her stocking on Christmas morning!
Lillian was very intrigued by this "prop"!