Sunday, September 27, 2009

And She's Off!

It's official, Lillian is crawling! As of this past Friday, our little girl is mobile. Since I am getting to stay home with her, I just assumed that one of the perks is that I would get to see all of her "firsts" - wrong! I stepped out of the room for a minute (seriously, ONE minute) and I came back in to find her crawling around. Yep, this is SO my child! :)

One Very Special Day

Last Sunday was an unforgettable, incredible day for the Carter family... Brad and Lillian were baptized! Brad never had the opportunity as a child and missed his scheduled date when we joined our church thanks to my emergency root canal. Not that I am thankful for that, BUT how amazing is it that daddy and daughter got to share in such an amazing event!
We had about twenty family members come to the service and over to our house afterwards for lunch. I would like it noted that not getting up with a squirmy child in front of the entire congregation OR the 20 people coming over to eat gave me an anxiety attack! :) It was a truly GREAT day and we would like to say "thank you" to everyone who made it so special!

The Carter Clan...

The Lee's...

Lillian couldn't be happier than sitting with uncle Chris and Carson!...

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Eight Months

Like most of my other friends with babies, I am trying to update the blog each month with Lillian's "stats" so that one day, I can put it all in her baby book. Let me start by saying I am absolutely loving being Lillian's mother! Now let me be clear, I have LOVED her since day one, but I am really starting to ENJOY this awesome responsibility God has blessed me with. While being a stay-home-mom was NEVER in my plan, it was obviously in His and I am trying not to take this wonderful opportunity for granted.
So, sentimental stuff aside, I have a really cool little girl! Lillian eats like a champ (I SO respect this) and has four 8 oz. bottles a day and three 4 oz. jars of baby food (I won't mention the amount of teething cookies and puffs :)). If for no other reason, I know this is my child because she loves to sleep! She sleeps 12 hours every night and is now taking about 2-3 hours of naps during the day. She has three teeth now (2 bottom and 1 top), but looks like another top tooth will be here any day now. She is doing LOTS of babbling and has said "dada" and "momma", but has no idea what she is saying (as much as I would like to believe that she does). Mobility is something we just don't quite have yet and I am starting to think that we may bypass crawling and go straight to walking (she seems much more interested in that). She is already pulling up on things and we are having to lower her mattress. The past few days I have gone in after her nap to see her smiling at me over the side of the crib (very cute, but not very safe!). Lillian is turning into a social butterfly and I couldn't be happier. She loves other children and with the exception of the poor lady who works at the dry cleaners we use, likes adults as well. She goes to Mother's Day Out at our church and the teachers told me that Lillian is their easiest and friendliest child. As the person who is home with her all day, every day I can't say I wasn't a little surprised by the "easiest" part. :) Finally, she loves animals (that's my girl!) and unfortunately finds our pets much more entertaining than they do her. Oh, I almost forgot, she thinks NOTHING is as great as her daddy!

Lillian at her granddaddy's birthday party...
Lillian laughing at Emily...

This face cracks me up...

Lillian and her boyfriend, Trent...

Lillian and my best friend's little girl, Julia...