Saturday, January 16, 2010

Baby Makes Four!

Yep, the Carters are adding a fourth (and FINAL :)) member to our family! I think because I was so shocked that I was pregnant so early into our marriage, I didn't get to experience as much excitement the first time around. This time however, we were planning and ready for it so thrilled would definitely explain what Brad and I are feeling! I must admit that we are also extremely nervous this time as well, because we actually realize how much work it really is. The fact that our little ones will only be 19 months apart contributes to this fear as well! :)
As someone who grew up with no siblings, their closeness in age is also something I view as a huge blessing! I always desperately wanted a brother or sister and cannot wait to watch the relationship of my children grow through the years. I know that I have said this before, but it's just amazing to watch how much better God's plan for our lives is versus our own! I say this because anyone that knows me would admit that being a stay-home-mom of 2 children under two would NEVER have been my plan. It makes me more than a little emotional (yes, it could be the hormones) to think what joy I could have missed if I were in control of my life.
I realize that these few years of starting our family is just a short season in the big picture, but I pray I'm able to remember it is also the most important!
***New Post Below***

Friday, January 15, 2010

Brad's First Post!

Out of nowhere, Brad told me that the other night that he wanted to start doing an annual post on the blog. I said, "great" and thought no more about it. Tonight however, he told me that it was done if I wanted to proof-read it. I think it is wonderful and I hope you enjoy it as well!...

Time Flies!!!!!!!
Who would have ever thought that time could really fly by when you have an infant? Heidi recently shared with me a little piece of wisdom she picked up from a friend, “the days are long but the time flies by”. That would hold true in our case as well. I will never forget the experiences that we have been blessed with over the last year. From the look on Heidi’s face after she discovered that we were expecting to the day that Lillian refused to enjoy birthday cake. There were times that Heidi and I would have to sing “Old McDonald Had a Farm” for 30 minutes straight to keep Lillian content as we drove from Alex City or the long trip to Pensacola. You should have heard some of the things that Old McDonald had on his farm. Just like our pets, Lillian has acquired variations on her name as well as nicknames (my favorite is Squirt). She has some of the funniest quirks that only a parent can appreciate such as shaking her head while you try to feed her, crazy sleeping positions, her mother’s laugh and the ability to hide pacifiers. She has been able to scare the living daylights out of both her parents with some of the stunts she performs. There were many text messages and phone calls to friends and relatives with a slight panic in our voices asking “what do we do”? I remember thinking several times that Lillian would be lucky to survive us much less any ailments. A big THANK YOU to all our family for reassuring us that we would be fine and make great parents.
Everyone said that your life would change when you have children but I had no idea how much better it would be. Sure, there are times when you consider that you might"accidentally" get lost going to the grocery store and not return for several days. But those times are far outweighed by the joy you receive from the look on Lillian’s face when I walk in the door from work. I could never relate to the happiness talked about until seeing her crawl for the first time and to see the excitement on Heidi’s face as well. There isn’t anything that can prepare you for the joy I felt when I heard Lillian laugh for the first time. You have to believe that something this special can only be created by God. As our family has grown so has our relationship with God and our commitment to make him the center of our lives.
I wouldn’t have guessed that I would be where I am just a few years ago. Heidi will argue that it took some serious convincing on her part but I have to argue that it was my plan all along. Although we don’t know what lies ahead, we can rest assure that the days may be long but the time will fly.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

WHO doesn't like cake and ice cream?!

That would be miss Lillian! As someone who has an incredible sweet tooth, I just knew that Lillian had to be counting down the minutes until she got her chance at the cake and ice cream she would get on her first birthday. As usual, I did not predict this correctly! :)
We just had a few family members come over on Saturday to help us celebrate the special occasion and I'm certainly glad that's all we went with. I tried feeding it to her with a fork first so that she would realize she liked it and dig on in. Well, that never happened so I just decided to put her hand right on in the cake (not sure why I thought this tactic would be successful!). The result can best be detailed in the pictures to follow. My dad's comment regarding the event is classic and I would like to wrap up the post by sharing it... "Whew, I'm glad I don't have to do many one year old birthday parties!". If I'm being honest, while I am thrilled my baby girl turned one, I couldn't agree more about the parties. :)

Emily was ready to party!...

She was fine for the singing and introduction of the cake...

Then we lost her...

She might not like cake, but she loves gifts!...

She wouldn't eat cake, but tried eating her new puzzle...

Notice the nasty "cake hair"...

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Carter Family Christmas - Joy to the World...

The title of this post pays tribute to a cornerstone of the Holiday season for Brad and I; the movie, Christmas Vacation. We have watched it at least twice each year (around the Holidays) for the five years we've been together and I just don't think I could do a Christmas post without including it. We are just hoping to be the less dysfunctional version of the Griswalds! :)
As first time parents, Christmas was definitely even more special this year. I have always loved this time of year, but could never have imagined how wonderful it would be having a child of my own. It is so exciting to know we are making memories and starting family traditions that Lillian will take with her for the rest of her life!
We were blessed to spend this time with lots of family and here are some pictures from the festivities.

Christmas Eve at my grandparent's in Ttown which we have done since I was born...

Lillian's most special gift was this rocker that was my dad's when he was a baby that he had recovered for her...

Lillian tackling her stocking...

Who knows what provoked this look!...

Lillian and daddy...

Lillian got this baby doll and this is what she does when we say, "love the baby" :)...

Granddaddy also had to love the baby!...

Lillian and sweet Carson...

Lastly, it couldn't be a holiday without us torturing poor Emily!...