One of the things that Lillian already does not enjoy is being restrained in any way. She absolutely hates to be swaddled, strapped into her car seat or put into the stroller! It is quite the sight to see me strolling the neighborhood on a beautiful day with a screaming infant in tow (yes, I am aware that most children love this activity!). She may look exactly like her daddy, but I have found one way that she is completely my child... she stays hot. Poor thing can break a sweat at room temperature and like her mother, this can cause a meltdown. :) Finally on the list of things Lillian is not a fan of... naps! As someone who loves to sleep, this is a bit devastating, but we are working on it and I have high hopes that she will come around and embrace this activity.
Brad really likes St. Patrick's Day and insisted that Lillian have an outfit to celebrate!
Lounging in the bouncy with her St. Patty's outfit on...
This is the face we get when we make the animal sounds...