Sunday, November 30, 2008

What a difference a year makes!

Brad and I decided that we would tackle Christmas decorating today which means that we had to first go and pick out our tree. I am super excited that Brad gave in and agreed to a live tree as that is what I grew up with and believe it is the only way to go (my dad will be so proud)! Two Christmas tree lots later, we had the perfect tree and it was time to start decorating.
These days (almost 35 weeks!), I do everything I possibly can in my pjs since they are so much more comfortable and I figured this project would be no exception. That is until Brad told me I needed to stay dressed because we had to take pictures since this would be our first real Christmas together. What?!? I couldn't believe it but he was right. It will be our third Christmas together, but first being married and getting OUR house ready for the Holidays. It is crazy to think about that just one year ago, Brad and I had not had our amazing wedding and certainly did not have any idea of the blessing we would have with Lillian! It was a very clear reminder that we can never imagine how quickly our lives can change or the many gifts God has in store for us.

Can you tell I am a little overwhelmed by the task ahead?

Brad trying to keep Emily from taking out the tree - Already!


kristen elaine said...

fun post! you're right, a year makes SUCH a difference! so happy for you & brad, and can't wait to meet little lillian very soon! you look great, by the way!

Brandi said...

The tree looks great! It seems like you guys have been together forever. It's so hard to believe that this will be your first Christmas. Funny.

kristen elaine said...

I, too, am looking forward to lunch soon! The puppy is a Siberian Husky & we'll get to pick her up the weekend before Christmas! Hope you had a great day!

amybbryant said...

I need your address for our christmas card! you can email it to me