Friday, December 19, 2008

Ready and Waiting!

It is just under 3 weeks until Lillian's scheduled arrival and we are getting super excited and also a little nervous! I have been so fortunate that between vacation and maternity leave, I have not had to work this past week and won't go back until April. This has allowed me some much needed time to get things ready for Miss Lillian - oh, and that small holiday known as Christmas! We finally have the nursery finished so enjoy the pictures...

Emily is anxiously awaiting the arrival of her sister and strategizing how she can get in the crib :) Lillian's crib and the monogrammed painting that really did turn out so cute.
The piggy bank on the dresser was my mom's when she was little and I feel so honored to be passing it on to Lillian!
The glider is fabulous and so comfy - hopefully that will make middle of the night feedings a little better.
The changing table with the bunny painting that her daddy picked out.
This is wreath that will go on her hospital room door and then on our front door once we come home. Also, Brad's sweet family had a little shower for us in Alexander City a few weeks ago where we got some great gifts for Lillian. We had such a good time and feel so blessed to have people who already care so much about our little girl. Here are a few pictures from the shower...

The cake was so cute (and yummy!) and matched the plates and napkins exactly. One of the precious outfits we got for Lillian - can't wait for her to be able to wear it!


The Reeds said...

Lillian's room is adorable!! You did a great job. I haven't seen it since we were there months ago. I love the picture of Emily too!

Brandi said...

The nursery looks great! You always do such a great job of decorating. (Yes, we are in Hawaii but it is 6am here and raining so I was playing on the internet.) By the way, HC had the same outfit and it is so adorable on. We can't wait to meet little Miss Lillian.

Cile said...

The nursery looks fantastic! Enjoy Christmas and then get pumped...Lillian is almost here!

kristen elaine said...

They nursery is so pretty! Please put us on the text/email/phone chain when Lillian arrives. And, let me know who is in charge of making meals for you:) I've got to get on board!

John and Brooke said...

Hey Heidi! It's Brooke (from bible study). Found your blog through April's. I love the room-it is precious. We are in waiting mode too-I told John I feel like a ticking time bomb :) I have loved being off work and pray that our little boy comes before Jan. 5 so I don't have to go back to work!! I hope things go well for you if I don't talk to you before Lillian arrives :)